In this lesson, you’ll learn some phrases that we hope you won’t need to use. While the Czech Republic is a safe place to visit, you should always be careful when you are traveling. In this lesson, you’ll learn phrases you can use to ask for help. |
These phrases are not limited to threatening situations and you can also use them if you or someone around you needs help. |
In Czech, “Help!” is |
Pomoc! |
(slow) Po-moc! |
Now let’s hear it again. |
Pomoc! |
The word simply means “Help”. |
The emergency phone number in the Czech Republic is 112. With this number, you can call the police, ambulance, fire brigade or military police force. You can call from a public phone or from a cell phone for free. |
When you ask someone else to call the number 112, you can say “Call the emergency number!” In Czech, this is Zavolejte pohotovost! |
(slow) Za-vo-lej-te po-ho-to-vost! |
Zavolejte pohotovost! |
The first word zavolejte means “to ring”or “to call” when talking about a phone. |
(slow) Za-vo-lej-te. |
Zavolejte. |
The second word pohotovost means “emergency”. |
(slow) Po-ho-to-vost. |
Pohotovost. |
The whole expression is Zavolejte pohotovost! |
Literally it means “Call emergency!” |
When you want to say “Call the police!” in Czech, it’s Zavolejte policii! |
The first word zavolejte means “to call”. |
(slow) Za-vo-lej-te. |
Zavolejte. |
The second word policii is the conjugated form of the noun policie which means “the police”. |
(slow) Po-li-ci-i. |
Policii. |
Let’s hear the entire sentence again: |
Zavolejte policii! |
If you need to call the fire department by saying “Call the Fire station”, you say: |
Zavolejte hasiče! |
(slow) Za-vo-lej-te ha-si-če! |
The first word zavolejte means “to call”. |
The word hasiče is the form of the noun hasiči which is translated as “the firemen”. |
(slow) Ha-si-če. |
Hasiče. |
The whole expression one more time is: |
Zavolejte hasiče! |
Literally it means “Call the firemen!” |
The other useful expression is “Call the ambulance”. In Czech, this is.. |
Zavolejte ambulanci! |
(slow) Za-vo-lej-te am-bu-lan-ci! |
The word ambulanci is the conjugated form of the noun ambulance which means “the ambulance”. |
(slow) Am-bu-lan-ci. |
Ambulanci. |
Let’s listen to the phrase once again. |
Zavolejte ambulanci! |
HideHi listeners! I hope you'll never have to use these sentences! Have you ever met this situation?
Hi Gretchen,
thank you for your message. For sure this phrase is good to know. Good luck and I too hope you don't need any emergency whilst in Praha. Enjoy your trip! :)
I am going to Praha in the summer and I hope I do not have to use any of these phrases! If it should happen, I am ready to: zavolejte pohotovost!