Ahoj, já jsem Veronika. Hi everybody! I am Veronika. |
Welcome to CzechClass101.com’s “Česky za 3 minuty”. The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn Czech. |
In the last lesson, you learned some words to use when you’re apologizing in Czech, including Promiňte and Omlouvám se. In this lesson you’ll learn numbers in Czech. |
Yes, numbers! Čísla! From one to ten. And you are going to learn them in only three minutes, za tři minuty! |
Are you ready? Let’s start! |
Jedna. |
[slowly] Jedna. |
Dva. |
[slowly] Dva. |
Tři. |
[slowly] Tři. |
Čtyři. |
[slowly] Čtyři. |
Pět. |
[slowly] Pět. |
Šest. |
[slowly] Šest. |
Sedm. |
[slowly] Sedm. |
Osm. |
[slowly] Osm. |
Devět. |
[slowly] Devět. |
Deset. |
[slowly] Deset. |
Okay, now repeat after me. I'll say the numbers and give you time to repeat each one. |
1. jedna |
2. dva |
3. tři |
4. čtyři |
5. pět |
6. šest |
7. sedm |
8. osm |
9. devět |
10. deset |
Great job! |
Do you know what comes before jedna? That’s right, it's nula. |
[slowly] Nula. |
You don’t have any more excuses! You can now give your friends your cell phone number in Czech! |
Let’s try together. |
We’ll use the phrase Moje telefonní číslo je, which means "my number is:" |
[slowly] Moje telefonní číslo je. |
Moje telefonní číslo je |
dva osm jedna osm šest čtyři jedna šest osm |
Can you read it by yourself? |
It’s 281864168 |
Perfect! |
Now it’s time for Veronika’s Insights. |
Jedna and dva can actually have three different forms. We use the forms jedna and dvě when counting feminine nouns. For example, jedna květina meaning “one flower, and dvě květiny meaning “two flowers.” Jeden and dva are used with masculine nouns. For example, Jeden strom meaning “one tree” and dva stromy, meaning “two trees.” Jedno and dvě are the forms for counting neuter nouns. For example, Jedno dítě meaning “one child”, dvě děti meaning “two children”. |
Notice that dvě is the form for feminine as well as neuter nouns. |
Other numbers starting from tři, which means “three”, do not change their forms depending on gender. |
Do you know the Czech word for a hundred? In the next lesson, you’ll learn the numbers from ten to one hundred in Czech. Your task now is to practice the numbers we studied in this lesson, from jedna to deset!! |
I’ll see you in the next “Česky za 3 minuty”. Ahoj! |
HideHello Listeners! Which is your Czech lucky number?
Hello Martijn Sonnenberg,
these Czech numbers can be difficult to pronounce, so don't worry, you are not the only one struggling. You can find the pronouncing of Czech numbers 3 and 4 below. In square brackets you have transcription of Czech using IPA, in round brackets you have pronunciation using sounds in English.
- 3 tři [tr̝ɪ] (trzhee)
- 4 čtyři [ʧtɪr̝ɪ] (CHTEE-rzhee)
I hope this was helpful. Let us know if you have more questions. We are here to help.
Team CzechClass101.com
Dobry den,
Is it possible to put the pronouncing of 3 and 4 in phonetics in the text? I think I got them a little bit mastered, but it sounds not always the same in the lesson
Love these lessons!
Ahoj Keerthivasan,
thank you for your kind words. We are really happy we can also help students accross the world without charging them. Don't hesitate to also check our discounted plans if you would like to dig deeper into the Czech language.
Have a nice day ❤️️
S pozdravem,
Team CzechClass101.com
Dear Team
First, I would like to thank you for offering a language free of cost. it helps me to understand the basics of the Czech languages. I have one doubt regarding where we have to use (To, Je, Ten)these words.
Ahoj Ntite Orji,
You are very welcome. 😇
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
We wish you good luck with your language studies.
Kind regards,
Team CzechClass101.com
Thank you for helping me differentiate between the pronunciations of three and four.
Dear Sandy,
you will find pronunciation for all the numbers in the video of this lesson.
Team CzechClass101.com
Where is 4, 6, 8 to speak
Hello Rhiannon,
thank you for your comment. Yes, you are right, these two numbers are hard to pronounce. It is the letter ř that is absent in English and many other languages, thus can be a bit hard to learn.
I wish you best of luck trying to master it! :thumbsup:
team CzechClass101.com
3 and 4 are really hard to say 0.o