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Essential Idioms That Will Make You Sound Like a Native Speaker
20 words
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Essential Idioms That Will Make You Sound Like a Native Speaker
20 words
kupovat zajíce v pytli
be not sure of a purchase someone makes
Nekupuj zajíce v pytli.
Don´t buy a hare in a bag.
jeden o koze, druhý o voze
speak about different things with another person
Mluvil jsem s ní, ale bylo to já o koze, ty o voze.
I talked with her but it was like one about the goat, second about the car.
páté kolo u vozu
jako by se nechumelilo
freely and easy
Vzal mu zmrzlinu a odešel, jako by se nechumelilo.
He grabed his ice-cream and left as it was not snowing.
mlít pusou
speak too much
Celou dobu mlel pusou.
He milled by his mouth all the time.
ztratit hlavu
stop being rational and follow feelings
Když se pokazily brzdy, úplně ztratil hlavu.
When the breaks failed he completely lost his head.
den blbec
a very bad day
Dnes je den blbec.
Today is a day airhead.
chodit okolo horké kaše
be afraid to speak directly about something
Nechoď kolem horké kaše a řekni to.
Don´t walk around a hot porridge and say it directly.
mít ostré lokty
be too assertive
Jestli chceš dělat kariéru v šoubyznysu, musíš mít ostré lokty.
If you want to work in showbusines, you have to have stiff elbows.
mít za ušima
be smart
Jo Petr, ten má za ušima.
Well, Petr has behind his ears.
mít v kalhotách
be scared
modrá krev
Má modrou krev.
He has blue blood.
spadnout z višně
be a fool
Ty jsi snad spadl z višně!
You fell off a cherry tree!
mít plné zuby
have enough of something
Dnes už toho mám plné zuby.
I have it full teeth.
střežit jako oko v hlavě
guard something very carefully
Střežil svou ženu jako oko v hlavě.
He guarded his wife as an eye on his head.
mít oči navrch hlavy
gape at
Dívali se na nás a měli oči na vrch hlavy.
They looked at us and had their eyes on the top of their heads.
moci se po něčem utlouct
be crazy about something
Může se utlouct po jahodové zmrzlině.
He is able to hurt someone to pursue of strawberry ice-cream.
udělat čáru přes rozpočet
disrupt someone's plans
Jestli si toho všimne, udělá nám čáru přes rozpočet.
If he notice it, he make a long crossing line on the budget sheet.
mít dlouhé vedení
be too slow in understanding things
Máš dlouhé vedení, nezdá se ti?
You have a long cable, don´t you?
mazat med kolem pusy
tempt someone
Přestaň mi mazat med kolem pusy.
Stop slushing my lips with honey!