Hey listeners! 45% of our listeners chose ‘You mean so much to me’. Do you agree with this result? What love phrase do you most want to hear this Valentine’s Day? Let us know in Czech!
Hi Earl,
by answer A you mean Miluji tě? (I love you)❤️. So sweet. In Czech we say "To je sladké" (It is sweet.). Thank you for your comment. Let us know if you have any questions and good luck with your Czech studies.
Team CzechClass101.com
I would like the answer A.
Hello Glen,
thank you for your message. I think I already answered you via our student-teacher chat 😎 hope it's clear now.
Best regards,
Team CzechClass101.com
Mam otazku, ale neni o teto hodine. Na 3. unora slova pro ten den byl "chleb." Nerozumim mluvnici teto vety. "Kazdou nedeli rano kupujeme chleb....." Proc veta necte "Kazda nedele...." Proc je "kazda nedele" v akuzative a ne nomative?
Mockrat Vam dekuji
Ahoj Damian,
Thank you for taking the time to comment. 😇
Let us know if you have any questions.
S pozdravem,
Team CzechClass101.com
A superbly timed list.