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Archive for the 'Czech Alphabet' Category

How Long Does it Take to Learn Czech?

Learning a new language is kind of like losing or gaining weight: we want to see results ASAP. Even better—we want to see results now. Yesterday was too late. That, my dear friend, won't happen. Not even if you pull three all-nighters in a row in an attempt to learn 1000 new words in three days. Not even if you refuse to speak other languages and expose yourself to an ungodly amount of Czech TV and YouTube videos. So how long does it take to learn Czech? Let me put it this way: It depends on what your goal is. Duh, obvi, right? Do you want to be able to order the right food on the menu or ask about specific ingredients? (Very important if you have food allergies or an intolerance...or if you really, REALLY can't stand... Show more

How Hard is it to Learn Czech?

Let's debunk this myth about Slavic languages being incredibly hard and almost impossible for English-speakers to learn. Oh, please.  How hard is it to learn Czech? Not at all. Sure, there's going to be a lot of new things—things that seemingly make no sense, things you'll hate, and things that will make your tongue twist. However, Czech isn't that hard, complicated, or nasty. It's just different from English. Learning another language is always an exciting process. Yup, it’s hard at the beginning (beginnings are hard whether you're learning Czech, training for your first half-marathon, or learning how to produce an edible dinner without setting your kitchen on fire). But once you turn the corner, things get easier and you start... Show more

The 10 Most Common Mistakes in Czech to Avoid

Mistakes are annoying, and no matter how often you tell yourself that it's okay to make them, they still suck. I get it, friend, I've been there. I'm a professional translator, and after years of living in a bilingual environment, I still have to pause from time to time and make sure I really want to say "kitchen," not "chicken." I ask my American boyfriend for help and clarification all the time. Also, just this morning, I read a Facebook post from Czech Television about a commemorative PLAGUE (instead of "plaque"). In this article, we’ll be covering typical Czech mistakes that English-speakers make. The Czech language, like all other languages, has its quirks and surprises that might catch you off-guard or flat out confuse the... Show more

Czech Keyboard: How to Install and Type in Czech

You asked, so we provided—easy-to-follow instructions on how to set up your electronic devices to write in Czech! We’ll also give you a few excellent tips on how to use this keyboard, as well as some online and app alternatives if you prefer not to set up a Czech keyboard. Table of Contents Why it’s Important to Learn to Type in Czech Setting up Your Computer and Mobile Devices for Czech How to Activate an Onscreen Keyboard on Your Computer How to Change the Language Settings to Czech on Your Computer Activating the Czech Keyboard on Your Mobile Phone and Tablet How to Practice Typing Czech 1. Why it’s Important to Learn to Type in Czech Learning a new language is made so much easier when you’re able to read and... Show more

Learn How to Talk About Your Family in Czech

Did you know that only some reptiles and birds don't parent their offspring? Except for crocodiles, all reptiles (and one family of bird species called megapodes) hatch from eggs and grow up alone, without any family. The rest of us need family if we are to survive and thrive - humans and animals alike! At CzechClass101, we know how important family is. Therefore, we take care to teach you all the important vocabulary and phrases pertaining to family. Table of Contents Why Is It Important to Know Czech Vocabulary about Family? Learn a New Culture? Learn its Family Vocab first How CzechClass101 Can Help You Learn Czech Family Terms 1. Why Is It Important to Know Czech Vocabulary about Family? Well, if you're serious about... Show more