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Archive for the 'Czech Culture' Category

The Czech National Anthem: Where My Home Is

The title sounds almost funny, doesn't it? However, listening to the funeral-like tune and “strange,” old-fashioned words and expressions certainly won't make you laugh. Every time I see proud American or French people jump up and sing along when their anthem starts playing, my heart clenches. Play the Czech anthem in a room full of Czechs… Nothing will happen. Sadly, we're not patriots––quite the opposite, actually––and it shows. Don't get me wrong, when the Czech hockey team won the gold medal at the Olympics 20 years ago, most of us felt very… Czech. Since then… Radio silence in the patriotism department.In this article, we will explore and decipher the lyrics and history of the Czech national anthem. According to some, it is a... Show more

Good Morning, Class: Czech Classroom Phrases

If you're planning to study or teach in the Czech Republic, this article is just for you. You might be surprised by the subtle differences between Czech and English communication during classes––be it greetings, or how we address the teachers––I know I was. I first started with English in 3rd grade. I was 8 years old, and learning to say all those new, funny sounds was very exciting and fun. Let me tell you, my 40-something fiancé doesn't find it quite as exciting, and he's constantly asking, "why do y'all say this and not that"? And I would like to address these quirky nuances in this article as well. Because no matter how funny and kind our "Mrs. Teacher" was, most of the things she taught us were just literal translations, and... Show more

The Ultimate Guide to Czech Restaurant Phrases

Who doesn't love eating out? Especially in foreign countries! If you love exploring exotic cuisines or simply have to eat out while in the Czech Republic, this list of Czech restaurant vocabulary and phrases will come in handy. I have noticed how much people appreciate it when a foreigner tries to speak Czech. It's a tough language (or so I've heard), and locals get genuinely excited when they realize my fiancé is a REAL American who says děkuju (“thank you”) and prosím (“you're welcome'' and “please”). In the Czech Republic, the staff tends to be much nicer. In Barcelona, we were getting free desserts and complementary wine. Austrian baristas smile if I order my coffee in German. Enough about cultural differences; if you want to know... Show more

Czech Animal Words

Raise your hand if you like animals! Zvířata (“animals”) are awesome and necessary for so many reasons.  You'll soon find out that if you want to speak Czech, you're going to need to learn Czech animal names—even if you're not a fur/feather/fish lover, you don't intend to marry a Czech farmer, or you don't want to talk about your mom's private minizoo.  Why?  Let's see: There is a mouse in my room! I am allergic to dogs. I hate fish; I only eat chicken. No, I can't have that; there's cow’s milk in it. One of the first things Czech babies learn is animal sounds. Jak dělá kráva? Bů! (“What does a cow say? Moo!”). And since you should approach learning a new language just like that—as if you didn't know any other language—let's... Show more

Czech Love Phrases: How to Say “I Love You,” in Czech

Falling in love is always good news, whether it's with a person, a language, a new activity, or a car. I recently started learning a new language and I was very surprised when I finished a lesson called The Most Important Norwegian Phrases, yet still didn't know how to say "Hey, handsome," or "Your place or mine?" That's one of the reasons I'm excited to be writing this article. Love is awesome in any language, plus you'll likely meet interesting people while traveling or moving to another country. It’s a good idea to cover all the bases! Things like flirting or saying "I love you," in Czech might be tricky for you as a foreigner, but I’m here to help! Expressing love is just as delightful as feeling it, so I’ll be sure to clue you... Show more

Why learn Czech? Here are 13 compelling reasons.

Let me ask you a question: When and why did you first think about learning Czech?  Are you planning to move here, do you want to get a job in Czechia, did you fall in love with a Czech (fun fact: I bet you know at least one Czech beauty—Czech women are considered very pretty, and Czech guys...well, they’re nice!), or are you trying to decide which Slavic language would be the most fun to learn? Even if none of the above is your case, we’re going to discuss why you should learn Czech (at least the basics) if you want to spend more than a day here. Not everyone in Czechia speaks English, and locals highly appreciate friendly foreigners with cute accents. Besides, it would be nice to be able to order a beer after a long day of exploring... Show more

The Best Czech Proverbs

Ahhh, proverbs...those charming pieces of wisdom that add a nice ring (or a pitch of pathos) to any speech or article, and make you ultimately irritated in certain situations. Like right after you failed your adventurous challenge.  However, they’re also comforting. Knowing that people in the past have gone through the same stuff we're dealing with now is encouraging. And that's exactly how we should see proverbs: as little "hellos" from our ancestors, who created them as reflections of who we are and how we see the world, life, love, success...you name it. This article about Czech proverbs and sayings will give you insight into not only the Czech language, but also the culture and mindset behind it. You might be surprised at how... Show more

Prague Travel Guide: The Top 10 Places to Visit in Prague

Not many people know where the Czech Republic is (I don't blame them: it's a tiny country hiding between two giants, Germany and Poland), but everyone knows someone who has been to Prague. I’ve lost count of how many people who, upon learning where I come from, have shrieked in excitement: "My neighbor's nephew visited Prague! He said it was such a lovely city! We must go someday, too!" Believe it or not, Prague is just as exciting and has the same old-timey atmosphere as other, more "famous" European cities. It looks similar, and (for now) Prague travel is more affordable than travel in many other European cities. That's why it's a loved and popular destination not only among tourists, but also among many movie-makers.  Are you... Show more

English Words in the Czech Language

Czenglish. Have you ever heard this term? It's been a hot topic lately, mostly due to the vigorous power of the internet and social media. Nowadays, everybody loves YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and…influencers! Although you won't find a lot of similarities between Czech and English (with the exception of words derived from Latin), English is seeping into the Czech language more and more.  By the way, the phenomenon of English words used in Czech is not as new as it might seem! I was watching a Czech comedy from 1938 a couple of days ago, and one of the first scenes is a perfect example of Czenglish used in real life: Já changuju subject? Ty changuješ subject! ("I am changing the subject? You are changing the subject!"). We like using... Show more

All You Ever Wanted To Know About Czech Culture

Are you learning Czech, planning to visit the Czech Republic, starting a business here, or even settling down in this cute, Central European country? Great! I'm sure you want to know more than just the basic info (like what the currency is and whether it's okay to look a stranger in the eye…).  Learning about Czech culture is essential if you want to really understand not just the language, but also how things work here. And let me tell you, just about everything is different here than in the U.S. or Western and Eastern Europe. As you explore Czech culture and customs, you’ll find that they share a lot in common with those of Austria or Germany. These two countries have greatly influenced the attitudes, traditions, and cuisine of... Show more