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Czech Love Phrases: How to Say “I Love You,” in Czech


Falling in love is always good news, whether it’s with a person, a language, a new activity, or a car.

I recently started learning a new language and I was very surprised when I finished a lesson called The Most Important Norwegian Phrases, yet still didn’t know how to say “Hey, handsome,” or “Your place or mine?” That’s one of the reasons I’m excited to be writing this article. Love is awesome in any language, plus you’ll likely meet interesting people while traveling or moving to another country. It’s a good idea to cover all the bases!

Things like flirting or saying “I love you,” in Czech might be tricky for you as a foreigner, but I’m here to help! Expressing love is just as delightful as feeling it, so I’ll be sure to clue you in on everything you need to make the most of your moment. 

Remember: In Czech, the verb “to love” isn’t as commonly used as it is in English, and people might be taken aback by your passionate love proclamation.

Generally speaking, Czechs aren’t the most lovey-dovey, cutesy nation in the world. Saying “I love you” is considered special, rare, and meant only for the right people and situations. The difference between “like” and “love” is as vast as the Grand Canyon.

So, how should you express your love in the Czech language or ask someone out? 

Let’s look at Czech love phrases.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Czech Table of Contents
  1. It All Starts with a Pick-up Line
  2. Serious Stuff: Taking Your Relationship to the Next Level
  3. Endearment Terms
  4. Czech Love Quotes
  5. How Can Help You Learn Czech in a Fun Way

1. It All Starts with a Pick-up Line

I distinctly remember that fateful summer night in 1999. While camping with my class, we found out there was a group of German boys staying at the campsite. We were 14 or 15 and eager to get to know each other.

Mind you, I went to a “good” school, and we had all been learning German and English since we were eight. Most of us were able to talk about our summer plans, introduce ourselves and our family, and apologize for not doing our homework in these languages. Yet, that night, something mind-blowing happened.

During an encounter with the boys, who looked so much more manly and interesting than our classmates (six insecure boys overwhelmed by a group of 25 young women with ambition), we realized our knowledge of German and English was horrifyingly insufficient.

The best I could do that night might well be one of the most interesting things I’ve ever said: “Your hand is like a baby’s…popo.” Popo means “butt.” I was trying to tell him that his hands were very smooth. Young love conquers even the toughest of language barriers though, and he kissed me anyway. Had my German been better, he might have actually talked to me and we could be married today. Who knows.

TLDR: Learn Czech pick-up lines, and don’t risk missing out on getting to know someone special!

Now, let’s get to business!

A- How to Start a Conversation in a Non-creepy Way

A Man Whispering Something Suggestive in a Woman’s Ear

Ke mně, nebo k tobě? (“Your place or mine?”)

Let’s say you’re sitting in a café, plowing through work emails or reading a book…and the most beautiful creature enters the room. It doesn’t really matter where you are, the point is—you’re intrigued. What do you do?

Introducing yourself (preferably in Czech) seems like the most logical first step, right? In this article, you’ll find the necessary vocab and phrases for doing so. If you’re still struggling or short on time, memorize these lines.

After that, you’re ready to bond:

Czech (M/F)English
Chodíš sem často?“Do you come here often?”
Dáš si drink?“Would you like a drink?”
Zatancujeme si?“Would you like to dance?”
Líbí se ti tady?“Do you like it here?”
Bavíš se?“Are you having fun?”
Jsi tu sám/sama?“Are you alone here?” / “Did you come alone?”
Nenudíš se trochu?“Aren’t you a bit bored?”
Můžu se k tobě přidat?“Can I join you?”
Nemůžu z tebe spustit oči.“I can’t take my eyes off of you.”

One of these should work in any setting or situation, except for business meetings, doctors’ offices, and funeral homes. 

Hodně štěstí! (“Good luck!”)

Note for men: Remember that Czech women aren’t as assertive/aggressive as you might expect, and it’s very likely that you’ll have to approach her, not the other way around.

B- Compliments

Alright. Everyone loves them, most of us don’t know how to accept them properly, and they work like a charm. Just don’t overdo it. 

Czech (M/F)English
Jsi moc hezký/hezká.“You’re very pretty.”
Jsi krásný/krásná.“You’re beautiful.”
Moc se mi líbíš.“I like you a lot.”
Jsi moc zajímavý/zajímavá.“You’re very interesting.”

And so on. Get creative and spontaneous. If you need inspiration, check out our list of compliments here and make sure you read our article on compliments as well. You might also find this list of 15 love phrases helpful.

C- When You Really Like Them and Want to See Them Again

Okay. You now know their name, you really like them, and a bunch of hyperactive butterflies are fluttering in your stomach. You might even suspect that never seeing this person again would make you think, “Man, what could have happened had I asked them out?” for the rest of your life. Remember Robert Redford in Indecent Proposal, and his story about a girl on a train? Don’t be like Robert. Ask them out.

Here’s what to say if you’d like to slide into their DM and/or explore the depths of their soul:

Czech (M/F)English
Můžu tě pozvat na večeři?“Can I invite you to dinner?”
Nezajdeme někdy na drink?“How about grabbing a drink someday?”
Dáš mi na sebe číslo?“Can I have your phone number?”
Můžu ti zavolat?“Can I call you?”
Zavolej mi. / Napiš mi.“Call me.” / “Text me.”
Jsi single?“Are you single?”
Jsi ženatý/vdaná?“Are you married?”
Chodíš s někým?“Are you dating anyone?”
Mám přítele/přítelkyni.“I have a boyfriend/girlfriend.”
Šel/šla bys se mnou na rande?“Would you go out with me?”
Moc rád/ráda bych tě znovu viděl/viděla.“I’d like to see you again.”
Můžeme se někdy sejít?“Can we meet up someday?”
Nemůžu se dočkat, až tě znovu uvidím.“I can’t wait to see you again.”

By the way, are you ready for a date in a restaurant? You might want to check out this list of lessons and learn how to order, ask for the bill, and impress your date with your slick language skills.

If you’re going to the movies, then study this list of movie-related Czech vocab beforehand. Also, make sure you know the necessary Czech vocab for making plans.

D- When You Want to Get Straight to the Point

Sometimes, you just know what you want when you see it, and there’s no point in sugarcoating it.

Czech (M/F)English
Čau krasavče/krásko.“Hey handsome/beautiful.”
Nechceš jít na vzduch?“Do you want to get some fresh air?”
Chci s tebou být sám/sama.“I want to be alone with you.”
Můžu tě doprovodit domů?“Can I take you home?”
Doprovodíš mě domů?“Would you walk me/take me home?”
Chci tě.“I want you.”
Můžu tě políbit?“Can I kiss you?”
Přitahuješ mě.“I am attracted to you.”
Jdeme ke mně, nebo k tobě?“Your place or mine?”

When You’re Not Feeling It (And Just Want to Get Out)

Okay, what if everything goes smoothly, but the date is underwhelming and you know you don’t want to take it any further?

Sometimes it just doesn’t work out, and sometimes it doesn’t work out so badly that you need to leave immediately.

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

A Woman Rejecting a Man Using a Hand Gesture

Vypadni. (“Get out.”)

When it’s time to face the music:

Nefungovalo by to.“It wouldn’t work.”
Hledám něco jiného.“I am looking for something else.”
Nejsi můj typ.“You’re not my type.”
Nemám zájem.“I’m not interested.”
Nehodíme se k sobě.“We’re not a good match.”

2. Serious Stuff: Taking Your Relationship to the Next Level

Alright. Let’s say you’ve gotten to know each other better, you’ve grown close, and your affection is much deeper than the initial (and mind-blowingly blissful) sexual fascination. You’re in love.

It’s time to say those elusive, magical words.

Do You Like Them or Love Them?

In Czech, we don’t use the word “love” very often, and we certainly don’t shout “luv ya” over the shoulder when leaving for work or at the end of every single phone call. And it’s totally normal (yes, this is the norm) to never hear it from your parents, grandparents, or kids.

And this doesn’t apply only to relationships.

In Czech, you don’t say: Miluju tvoje šaty. (“I love your dress.”) You say: Líbí se mi tvoje šaty. (“I like your dress.”)

When expressing affection, we commonly use these words instead of milovat (“to love”).

  1. Líbit se (“to like”)
  2. Mít rád (“to be fond of”)
  • The Czech phrase Miluju tě (“I love you”) is only used in romantic relationships and it’s not something you throw around like confetti. 

Now, let’s look at some Czech love phrases:

Czech (F/M)English
Miluju tě.“I love you.”
Mám tě rád/ráda.“I am fond of you.”
Zbožňuju tě.“I adore you.”
Nemůžu bez tebe žít.“I can’t live without you.”
Chci si tě vzít.“I want to marry you.”
Vezmeš si mě?“Will you marry me?”
Chci s tebou strávit zbytek života.“I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Jsi láska mého života.“You’re the love of my life.”
Jsem do tebe blázen.“I’m crazy about you.”

Newlyweds Running Down the Aisle Together at Their Outdoor Wedding

Novomanželé. (“Newlyweds”.)

3. Endearment Terms

Czech is a fun and very flexible language that allows for the creation of cute words.

We use zdrobněliny (diminutive forms of a person’s formal name) and various pet names that might sound surprisingly obscene to the untrained ear.

  • The most common ones are zlato, miláčku, and lásko.

We also love cukrbliky (“batting one’s eyelashes in a cute, flirty way”). Cukr means “sugar” and bliky means “blinks.”

I’ve included a list of Czech endearment terms in the 5th case—declined and ready to use.

Czech English
Prdelko“Little butt”
Broučku“Little bug”

A Man and Woman Hugging Upon the Woman Having Received a Bouquet of Flowers from Him

Jsi moje prdelka. (“You’re my little butt.”)

4. Czech Love Quotes

Alright friends, it’s time for a healthy amount of pathos! Here are two of the most common Czech love quotes/proverbs that capture the Czech nature perfectly.

Láska prochází žaludkem.“Love goes through your stomach.”
This is similar to the English phrase, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

Snesl bych ti modré z nebe.“I would bring you the blue from the sky.”
This is like saying, “I would do anything for you.”

We’re tough cookies who like food and are capable of big things when we’re in love. See for yourself!

Also, if you’re feeling super-romantic, you’re going to fall in love with this list of Czech quotes about love.

5. How Can Help You Learn Czech in a Fun Way

That’s it, guys! I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new!

If you’re taking your Czech studies seriously, you could grab a Czech grammar book or learn online (the latter of which is way more convenient). Seriously, learning a new skill has never been easier. Just grab your phone and get to work! makes learning Czech easy, exciting, and fun. With us, it’s not about endless memorizing or thick textbooks. Learn Czech the better way—with us, you’ll make progress faster than you could imagine!

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One last thing: Let us know in the comments which of these love phrases in Czech was your favorite!

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