Why learn Czech? Here are 13 compelling reasons.


Let me ask you a question: When and why did you first think about learning Czech? 

Are you planning to move here, do you want to get a job in Czechia, did you fall in love with a Czech (fun fact: I bet you know at least one Czech beauty—Czech women are considered very pretty, and Czech guys…well, they’re nice!), or are you trying to decide which Slavic language would be the most fun to learn?

Even if none of the above is your case, we’re going to discuss why you should learn Czech (at least the basics) if you want to spend more than a day here. Not everyone in Czechia speaks English, and locals highly appreciate friendly foreigners with cute accents. Besides, it would be nice to be able to order a beer after a long day of exploring the wonders of Prague, Brno, Český Krumlov, and other cool places, right?

Learning Czech is easier than you would think. Once you master the basics, the rest is a breeze.

In this article, I’m going to list the biggest reasons why you should learn Czech…starting now!

P.S.: I really wish the title could be 13 Reasons Why, but we’ve already covered Netflix/HBO & Chill in another article (also written by moi).

Learn the Mother Tongue of 12 Million Natives!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Czech Table of Contents
  1. Czechia is a Tiny but Shiny Central-European Gem
  2. It will make learning other European and Slavic languages much easier.
  3. It will help you get a job or start a business.
  4. Not a lot of people in the Czech Republic speak English… Sorry.
  5. Czechia is a cool place to visit.
  6. Timetables and announcements…
  7. Czech people will appreciate it.
  8. …you will make friends easily.
  9. Your future in-laws will love you for it…
  10. It’s a cool and “interesting” language to learn.
  11. Understanding Czenglish will be easier for you…
  12. Once you’re past the tough beginning, your progress will be fast.
  13. Czech is pretty easy to learn.
  14. How CzechClass101.com Helps You Learn Czech in a Fun Way

1. Czechia is a Tiny but Shiny Central-European Gem

A- About Us

    Czech is the official language of Czechia, spoken by almost 96% of the population. It’s the mother tongue of about 12 million people, most of whom live in Czechia with approximately one million native Czech speakers living abroad. 
    Czech belongs to the West Slavic group of languages. It’s very similar to the Slovak language; these two languages are mutually intelligible and you probably wouldn’t be able to tell them apart. Most Czechs and Slovaks understand both languages in their written and spoken form. 
    The similarities are comparable to those of British English vs. American English (yes, I am aware it’s still English, but you know what I mean). Czech and Slovak do have different (although very similar) grammar, spelling, and pronunciation. In other words: The words might sound pretty much the same, but the spelling is completely different.
    ➢ It’s no surprise that Czech is also similar to other Slavic languages, such as: Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish, and Russian. If you already speak/study one of these, learning Czech will be a piece of cake.

B- The Basics

    The modern Czech language uses the Latin alphabet with diacritics (a.k.a. special characters) that alter their pronunciation. It’s a phonetic language, meaning that everything is pronounced exactly the way it’s written (i.e. UNLIKE English or French, JUST LIKE Spanish, Italian, Latin, et cetera/a tak dále).
    Czech consists of 26 Latin letters (the same as English), plus letters with special diacritic accents. There are three types of those accents: the acute accent čárka (length mark) for indicating the length of vowels, háček (hook) for changing the sound, and lastly kroužek (circle) indicating long pronunciation of the letter (u – ů). Altogether, the alphabet includes 42 characters
    Once you learn the pronunciation of the whole alphabet, you’ll be able to read and pronounce any Czech word. There will be no surprises. (“Kansas-Arkansas, see-sea, to-too-two,” I’m looking at you!)

2. It will make learning other European and Slavic languages much easier.

    ➢ With advanced knowledge of Czech, you’ll be able to understand some spoken and written Slovak and Polish, as well as spoken Russian.
    ➢ You’ll be able to pronounce Italian/Spanish/Latin (big and smart) words correctly.

3. It will help you get a job or start a business.

Speaking the Czech language might bring you new business opportunities in Central Europe as well as new opportunities in other countries. 

Oh, I’m happy where I am, I don’t need more opportunities…said no one, ever. 

    The Czech industrial base is well-developed and there are tons of possibilities in the automotive industry, industrial machinery industry, mining, electronics, glass manufacturing, and beer production.
    Recently, high-tech industries have been on the rise and business opportunities are arising, particularly in the areas of aerospace, nanotechnology, and life science. If you’re an engineer, you might want to grab a Czech textbook or sign up for an online Czech class ASAP. According to some, Czechia is the ideal place for launching a new industrial revolution.

4. Not a lot of people in the Czech Republic speak English… Sorry, Karen.

In summer 2018, I spent a week with my American boyfriend’s family in a lovely little town in Tuscany. It was an incredibly picturesque place with a couple of restaurants, one little café, an incredibly blue sky…and a few thousand very Italian Italians who spoke only Italian. We were the only tourists there.

Yet, one of the family members was perplexed by this simple and natural occurrence, and stated: “They should speak at least SOME English.” 

No, they shouldn’t.

Not cool. 

Don’t be like them. 

Please, never expect that everyone speaks or should speak your language, especially if you’re visiting their home country.

Learn some basic Czech phrases and vocab, and look into the pronunciation. Trust me, you’re going to need it.

A Little Girl Dressed Like a Tourist and Holding a Camera

You’ll fall in love with Prague even if traveling isn’t really your jam.

5. Czechia is a cool place to visit.

    ➢ Medieval architecture
    ➢ Modern architecture
    ➢ Great beer
    ➢ Cheap 5* hotels
    Prague is one of the most beautiful and magical places you’ll ever see
    Brno is cool

Need I say more?


6. Timetables and announcements…

 …of changes or delays are usually in Czech only. Unless you have a trusted native by your side, do your homework.

7. Czech people will appreciate it.

Trust me. You want them to like you. You want them to be on your side, because these hard-shelled people with hearts of gold will love you for your effort and for showing respect.

Which also means more doors will be open for you. Which leads to more-helpful officers, kinder staff in hotels, and so on. And also…

A Guy Wearing a Shirt with the Czech Flag Design on It

I wouldn’t call us patriots, but most Czechs will definitely appreciate your effort.

8. …you will make friends easily.

Or, you know, in case you’re dating a Czech, you’ll be able to tell if they’re whispering sweet nothings or deathly spells into your ear.

We all know how hard it is to truly connect if there’s a language barrier, and meeting a Czech who speaks English freely and fluently would be a small miracle.

Why not meet them halfway?

Learn how to introduce yourself in Czech, and here’s another article that breaks down the basic Czech grammar rules. You could also learn a few adjectives to describe your personality and words for talking about what you do.

Take it slow and enjoy the process—it will pay off!

9. Your future in-laws will love you for it…

…or hate you a little less. (I can’t even remember how many times I’ve heard: “Oh please, can’t you just find someone from around here?” I can’t, grandma, sorry not sorry.)

This is important. 

If you want to impress your girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s relatives (especially grandparents) and avoid unnecessary tension, learn at least a few basic phrases. 

10. It’s a cool and “interesting” language to learn.

Still scratching your head about why to learn Czech, especially when there are other (more popular) languages out there? 

In a world full of “I’m learning French/Spanish/German,” be an “I’m learning Czech.”

I’m not saying you should ditch other languages, I’m simply suggesting you take a break from the classics and explore new possibilities.

A Red Star Amidst Several Gray Stars

Czech is a unique language, and doing a unique thing is always a good idea.

11. Understanding Czenglish will be easier for you…

…which will lead to smoother communication.

    ➢ Czenglish =  English spoken by Czechs that is heavily influenced by Czech vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, or syntax.

Basic knowledge of Czech word order and pronunciation will make it easier for you to figure out what your partner is trying to say.

12. Once you’re past the tough beginning, your progress will be fast.

    Czech grammar is very straightforward and gets easier as you work your way up to a higher level. Once you remember the patterns of word endings and cases, you’re fine. No surprises!

13. Czech is pretty easy to learn. 

It takes around 12 weeks to reach the beginner level, which means you’ll be able to introduce yourself, know the basic grammar (tenses, basic vocabulary), and just get by. If you’re aiming higher, prepare to do about twice the work to reach the intermediate level (24 weeks).

  1. The vocabulary is simpler than that of English. It is, in fact, a subset of word roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Most of them are linked in easy-to-remember or logical ways.
  2. The feared declension (a.k.a. cases) isn’t as scary as it seems. You just need to memorize the endings of every noun/adjective and mind the gender. The stem remains unchanged (mostly).
  3. There are NO articles.
  4. There are only three tenses: past, present, future. Done.

Learning a new language is always a good idea, and not just for the practical reasons. It will also create a new routine and bring a new sense of accomplishment into your daily life. You’ll improve your memory, feed your brain and soul, boost your confidence, and gain perspective. You’ll feel great about yourself! And that’s the only thing that really matters.

A Woman Smiling While Holding a Book Over Her Head

Czech is way easier to learn than most people (who know such a language exists) think.

14. How CzechClass101.com Helps You Learn Czech in a Fun Way

That’s it, guys! I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new!

If you’re taking your Czech studies seriously, you could grab a Czech grammar book or learn online (the latter of which is way more convenient). Seriously, learning a new skill has never been easier. Just grab your phone and get to work!

Wondering how to learn Czech online like a pro? 

CzechClass101.com will make learning Czech easy, exciting, and fun. With us, it’s not about endless memorizing or thick textbooks. Learn Czech the better way—with us, you’ll make progress faster than you could imagine!

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One last thing: Let us know in the comments if this article helped you, and if you feel inspired to start (or continue) learning Czech now!

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