Saints Cyril & Methodius Day in the Czech Republic

What do you think your daily life would look like without a working written language? I don’t know about you, but my life would be a lot more difficult!

Well, the Czech Republic (and a number of other Slavic countries) have the Saints Cyril and Methodius to thank for their written language.

In this article, you’ll learn about Saints Cyril and Methodius Day in the Czech Republic, and what these two brothers are most known for. Let’s get started!

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1. Who Were St. Cyril and Methodius?

Statues of Saints Cyril and Methodius

Saint Methodius and Saint Cyril were missionaries from Greece who visited the Slavic people to učit (“teach”) them the Christian gospel. The two brothers were sent in 863 by the Byzantine Emperor, who received a letter from the Moravian people’s ruler requesting missionaries to achieve the misie (“mission”) of evangelizing to the Moravians.

To effectively evangelize, Saints Cyril and Methodius created a new written jazyk (“language”), using the Glagolitic alphabet. Because they were able to teach the Moravians in their own language, the Moravians were more receptive to what they had to say. St. Cyril and Methodius also translated parts of the Bible into this new language, though no one knows for sure which parts of the Bible they were able to translate.

Some believe that the Glagolitic alphabet eventually led to the creation of the Cyrillic alphabet, named after St. Cyril. The Cyrillic alphabet is still used in many Slavic languages, including Russian and Bulgarian.

Because of the saints’ great achievements, people consider them equal to the first Christian apostles. Each year, Christians in the Czech Republic celebrate St. Cyril and Methodius Day to honor the work and lasting legacy of the two saints in the region.

2. When is St. Cyril and Methodius Day?

A Woman and Her Son Posing for a Photo During Summer

Each year, Saints Cyril and Methodius Day in the Czech Republic falls on July 5.

The date for this holiday used to be March 9, but Pope Pius IX changed the date because July 5 is when St. Cyril and St. Methodius arrived in the Moravia region.

3. Celebrations for St. Cyril and St. Methodius

A Church

St. Cyril and Methodius Day celebrations tend to be solemn, with a large focus on the kostel (“church”). Throughout the nation, Czechs gather for masses in honor of the two saints. Prominent religious and political leaders, believers, and other citizens attend these masses.

The largest mass in the Czech Republic for the St. Cyril and Methodius festival is held in Velehrad, which used to be the heart of Great Moravia. This mass is held in the ancient basilica here, and the procession is televised so people can watch from home.

Because the day after St. Cyril and Methodius Day is another national holiday (The Day of Burning Jan Hus), most Czechs get two days off of work or school. After attending mass and other festivities, people can prepare for the rest of their vacation!

4. The Church of Saint Cyril and Methodius in Prague

Did you know there’s a church of St. Cyril and St. Methodius in Prague?

While this isn’t the only church or public building named after the two saints—in Slavic countries or abroad—this cathedral has a fascinating history.

The Saints Cyril and Methodius Cathedral played a curious role in WWII. This is where a handful of Czechoslovaks took a final stand against a group of German Nazis in 1942. Two of the Czechoslovaks died, and the others committed suicide.

Today, these Czechoslovaks are considered national heroes.

5. Essential Czech Vocabulary for this Holiday

Someone Writing in Cursive Using a Fountain Pen

Ready to review some of the vocabulary words from this article? Here’s a quick list for you to study!

  • “Brother” — Bratr [n. masc]
  • “Teach” — Učit [v.]
  • “Church” — Kostel [n. masc]
  • “Language” — Jazyk [n. masc]
  • “Saints Cyril and Methodius Day” — Den slovanských věrozvěstů Cyrila a Metoděje [masc]
  • “Slavonic” — Staroslověnština [n. fem]
  • “Slav” — Slovan [n. masc]
  • “Monk” — Mnich [n. masc]
  • “Monastery” — Klášter [n. masc]
  • “Missionary” — Misionář [n. masc]
  • “Mission” — Misie [n. fem]
  • “Handwriting” — Písmo [n. neut]
  • “Apostle” — Apoštol [n. Masc]

To hear the pronunciation of each word and phrase, visit our Czech St. Cyril and Methodius vocabulary list with audio recordings!

Final Thoughts

The significance of St. Cyril’s and Methodius’s role in Great Moravia can’t be overstated. They not only influenced the region’s religion long term, but also provided the Moravians with their own written language that would later be used to shape modern languages.

Who are the most important figures in your country’s history, and why? Let us know in the comments!

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Before you go, know this: We applaud you for taking the time—and the plunge!—to learn about another culture and its language. We know it’s not always easy, but consider St. Cyril and Methodius: They took a similar plunge and forever influenced an entire region!

Stay safe out there, and happy learning! 🙂

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